About Me

Chaselynn in boston

The Scientist Behind the Apron

I’m Chaselynn

A chemistry nerd, baking newbie, and animal mom to the CUTEST rabbits and dogs ever!

My baking journey started only a couple of years ago when I moved in with my fiance and he bought me my first ever grain mill. 


After deciding I wanted to focus on my health, switching to freshly milled flour was the best place for me to start. I wanted to live out a healthier lifestyle that didn’t just make me feel amazing, but tasted amazing too! 


My goal now is help people like you feel inspired to put your health first!

Are You Ready To Start Focusing on What Matters Most?

Learn how to incorporate freshly milled flour so you can start your health journey today!

"All We Have To Decide is What To Do With The Time That is Given To Us"

-J.R.R Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring

As a scientist who naturally loves to research and problem solve I discovered tons of ways to prioritize my health both in and out of the kitchen. And there was no time like the present to start. I didn’t want to waste any longer dreaming about what a healthier life could look like, I wanted to start living it.


Maybe you’re struggling to create the healthier lifestyle you’ve always wanted? 


Or maybe you need some motivation to start?


I know focusing on health is extremely important to you as it is for me which is why I created The Taste of Chemistry. With a bit of scientific knowledge and some delicious food, I can help you focus your time and energy on what’s most important – a simpler, healthy lifestyle you’ve been dreaming of.    


Are you into...?

eggs, butter, and flour wrapped in kitchen towl
front door to a home in the shire
The Lord of the Rings
dirt covered carrots
Bunnies!! <3

...Me Too!

Check out what you can do to improve your health!

bowl of eggs and loaf of bread on wooden cutting board